What exactly does third party liability insurance cover?



From the perspective of security responsibility, the compulsory insurance and the third party liability insurance are extremely similar. The compulsory insurance is a national law that must be bought, and the third party liability insurance belongs to a commercial insurance, which can be freely chosen by the car owner. So, do you need to buy the three insurances after buying the compulsory insurance? How to buy it? 

General Liability Insurance - Business Liability Insurance

What is the scope of third-party liability insurance? Third-party liability insurance (referred to as three liability insurance), full name: commercial third-party liability insurance. It refers to the insured allowed qualified drivers in the use of the insured vehicle accident, resulting in a third party suffered personal injury or property losses, according to law should be paid by the insured compensation amount, the insurer will be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the insurance contract to compensate. In the insurance contract: the insurer is the first party, also called the first; the insured or the perpetrator is the second party, called the second; in addition to the insurer and the insured, due to the accident of the insured vehicle and suffered personal injury or property losses of the victim is the third party, called the third party. So the scope of "third party" refers to the insured and its property and all personnel and property of the insured vehicle, other people, other things. The so-called "all personnel", that is, the driver, conductor, stevedores, passengers, hitchhiking, etc., these people do not belong to the third party, but after getting off in addition to the driver, can be regarded as a third party. The insured of private vehicles and their family members do not belong to the third party. As for the property on the insured vehicle, it refers to the insured and its driver all or its escrow property, these properties are not a third party liability. 


Buy a compulsory insurance also need to buy three insurance? In fact, if only bought a compulsory insurance, when the traffic accident and did not cause other casualties, the traffic police judged the insured responsible for the case, the insurance company compensation amount will Buy a compulsory insurance also need to buy three insurance? In fact, if only bought a compulsory insurance, when the traffic accident and did not cause other casualties, the traffic police judged the insured responsible for the case, the insurance company compensation amount will not exceed 2000 dollars; if the traffic police judged the insured do not have to bear the responsibility, in the absence of casualties, the insurance company compensation amount of up to 100 dollars. This amount is completely insufficient compensation, this time the role of commercial insurance is reflected. Compared with the compulsory insurance, third party liability insurance does not divide the liability limit, as long as the loss does not exceed the total insurance limit, whether repairing or saving people can be in the highest limit within the scope of the insurance contract compensation. As to how to buy, you can consider according to the two aspects: 1, their economic conditions. If their economic conditions are good, or you are a novice, decisive choice of 1 million insurance, to their losses can be reduced to the lowest. If the economic conditions are not so good, and want to spend less money to buy the right amount of three insurance, if it is in the urban area to drive to work, or a veteran, then buy a 500,000 amount is enough. 2, local economic conditions. If you live in the first and second tier cities, the traffic flow is large, many luxury cars, the road is very congested, then it is recommended to buy a million amount, to minimize their losses. If it is in the third and fourth tier cities, if the local traffic flow is not a lot, the traffic is relatively smooth, then, the owner to buy a 500,000 amount is enough.